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Hello & Welcome!

I love to write. My words are etched into bones, heart heaped with should haves and what ifs. Perhaps mine is a soul surrounded by a softcover shell; I'm a paperback person with words and stories inside. I am a writer.

But I didn’t always consider myself a writer. I was just a person who loved words, and I didn’t know what to call myself back then. 

Now I know; I am a storyteller. I am a writer of poetry and a crafter of fictional tales. Writing is my world.

In 2013, I graduated from Buffalo State College with my B.A. in Writing. I am a 2016 graduate of the Mountainview MFA. Now I'm setting my sights on publishing the novel I conceptualized during my graduate studies. Since summer, I've been in the query trenches with this YA speculative novel, searching for representation.

I am an editor and contributing writer for One For One Thousand, a magazine dedicated to the profundity of flash fiction. I am the Blog Manager and Staff Reviewer at Young Adult Books Central, where I read and review the best that YA has to offer.

My fiction has been recently published by or is forthcoming from One For One ThousandFive 2 One Magazine, Souvenir Lit Journal, Cat on a Leash Review, and Twelve Winters Press. My poetry has been published by or is forthcoming from Germ MagazinePlath Poetry Project, MockingHeart Review, Dear Damsels and Figroot Press.

To discover more about how I got my start writing, what it was like getting my MFA, and the things that inspire me, you can read my 1:1 interview HERE

Most days, I’m exploring literary worlds, writing poems, short stories, and anything else that fills my word-infested brain. I love real books, blue ballpoint pens, and drink way too much coffee. 

Follow me on my journey through this world of writing and beyond!

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