Recalling the MagicFor the past month, I have been moving my blog posts from Wix to Squarespace in preparation for the unveiling of the new home of KAYLA...
Just One WordIn 2015, I ditched the practice of resolutions for the impending new year, and instead came up with one word to carry me through the...
These Are a Few of My Favorite ReadsLast year around this time, I set a Goodreads goal of reading 100 books. All this time later, I can't say I achieved this goal. And maybe...
A Little PerseveranceToday is the last day of National Novel Writing Month. Though I managed to reach the 50,000 word goal two days prior to this post, I...
The Beginning of InterestingWhen thinking about what I would write this week, I knew I wanted to try to get back to that enamored feeling I once had for my book....
Only Time Will TellOne week ago, I was watching the episode of Parks and Recreation where Andy and April drive to the Grand Canyon, and "All Will Be Well,"...
Now It's NostalgiaSince Sunday, I've been immersed in the idea of nostalgia. After receiving an email from MockingHeart Review, I immediately had the...
Into the TrenchesLeading up to this point in my writing career, I always knew I would submerge myself into the murky waters of traditional publishing....
Out of the Mind; Onto the PageFrom the moment I wished the best friend a happy birthday today, I knew I would write about him, amongst other writerly things. You see,...
It Takes a KingdomIt is a truth universally acknowledged that it takes a village to raise a child, but I promise you, it takes a kingdom to raise a book....