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I'm not sure if this goes for other people who find that words follow them everywhere they go, but for me, half of the writing process seems to be finding things that inspire me. A lot of the time my characters inspire me by talking to me in the dead of the night. Other times it is a smell in Starbucks, a conversation that can be overheard while waiting in line at Forever 21, a song playing on Pandora, and sometimes, other pieces of literature. I never really know when something is going to flip a switch in my brain but somehow, a bright light seems to illuminate the crazy in my head and make it look like something I can actually use to my advantage.

A lot of the time this happens while I'm driving, in the shower, listening to boring lectures on Western Civilizations, and in the few minutes in which I am just about to fall asleep--basically the most inopportune times. And yet, I am able to find (or rather stumble upon) things that inspire me to fall into a world that is different than the one I usually inhabit, a world I absolutely love!

Today I decided I would try finding something to inspire me because I wanted to figure out a piece of the puzzle that is extremely important in Book 4. Of course I had an idea what would happen but after sifting through what I already had in my head, I did a quick Google refresher and just by doing this it came to me. Needless to say these kinds of experiences are intense and make me a more productive writer. I'm so happy I finally have a documented process of how things are going to progress and unfold so my frazzled mind feels a little less crazed and more at ease.

I guess the lesson in today's experience is to look at the simple things. Instead of constantly waiting for a brilliant idea to strike, do something that inspires you. Go to an art museum, flip through a magazine, read a book, watch popcorn popping in the microwave. Whatever it is, let go, and see where it is your mind takes you.



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