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Stretching the Magic

That person who said writing is a muscle was correct.

It has been much too long since I've written anything but a line or two for my Falling series. I miss it, really I do. I know now is not the time for this story. Instead, I've continued with my thesis, I've crafted short stories, and enjoyed what has come out of this work.

But once a story is within you, I'm not sure it will leave until it's on the page.

The Falling series is not yet on the page, and because of this, I thought it would be the easiest thing in the world to fall back into this story. Today I stretched the writing about magic muscle which has become weak without use, and it felt wonderful.

Now this isn't to say I've abandoned my other projects to return to this series. Like I said, I'm not sure now is the time for this story. But I spent the day building something small for my next publication at One For One Thousand. The piece of flash fiction is untitled and incomplete, but it is a flash of everything I so loved when I was working on this story. It was reassuring to know how consumed I still am with the people and events in the magical world I created so long ago (seven years now to be exact).

I'm not sure if this story is perfect or everything it needs to be, but it does feel magical. As I continue stetching the writing about magic muscle I was born with, I feel my proclivity toward the fantastical returning.

I think of that moment in my high school experimental writing class when my best friend mentioned something about fairy tales and final projects and could I write a story like that? I thought, maybe, I could. I remember finishing the fourteen page short story, the longest piece I'd written back then; the moment I fell in love with fiction.

I remember that moment in my British Literature course in college when the pieces of that story came back to me. I had one of those moments where I was taken to another world inside my own head. Most people would call this crazy. And maybe it was. But it fet more real than the professor or the poem sitting in front of me.

While it's been years since that moment, it felt just the same today when I returned to that world inside my head. And I wanted to write about it here so as not to forget the feeling or the moment.

Holding on to a story for too long can often feel like a burden. But my Falling series is one of the greatest gifts I possess. And I hope, someday, I will get to share it with all of you.

All best,

Kayla King

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